Cloud Cushions!

I've been staring at my fabric stash and trying to think of something to with it all. I wanted to practice my invisible stitching which is something I've yet to master so I thought I'd whip up a cute little cushion.

So why not a cloud!
These are really simple and you can even change the shape if you want to something festive or just something to match your decor.

First up I made a cloud template, I just taped together 4 sheets of A4 together, drew out a cloud shape and cut it out.

I took my fabric, which like me you may need to iron so it's crease free. I have a long piece which I folded in half so that once I cut out I will have two of my cloud shapes.

Pin your template down to your fabric and carefully cut out the shape.

Take your two pieces and place them good side together, like above, then pin together.

Sew around almost all of your cloud leaving a 3/4 inch gap so you can stuff your pillow. If you have a  cat like me you is obsessed with anything sewing probably best to keep them away from your machine. (Don't worry this was turned off so I couldn't catch her at all).

Once I'd sewn round the cloud I went round and added little cuts so once I turned it the right way out the edges would be as smooth as possible. Make sure you don't cut throw you sewing though.

Turn your cloud the right way out and get your stuffing at the ready. I actually used the inside of a cheap cushion I wasn't using but you can easily buy it at craft shops or on Amazon.

Once you've completely stuffed your cushion get ready to sew you invisible stitch! As I'm still new at this stitch and haven't quite perfected it yet I thought I'd include a link here which is what I used to teach myself. But once I've figured it out I promise I'll post a tutorial.

Once you're finished plump up your cushion and pop it into place!

I'm pretty sure I'll be making this cushion in lots of different shapes! Especially for Christmas it'll look super! 

Katy xx

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