Blueberry Granola

I've been trying, but sometimes the Easter eggs win, to eat a little healthier recently, so I thought I'd make some healthy granola for breakfasts. And spotted fresh blueberries at our local market so decided on blueberry granola with Flaxseeds and sunflower seeds!

Ingredients: To make 650g of Granola,

350g Blueberries
500g Jumbo Oats
100g Sunflower seeds (ground)
100g Flaxseeds
100ml Agave Nectar
75g Butter melted

Mix together your Oats, Flaxseed and sunflower seeds in a large bowl. Make sure it's all evenly combined. 

Put the blueberries in a roasting tray and pop in a 200' Celsius oven for 45 minutes, half way through squash some of the blueberries down and mix them up.

Next up add in your Agave nectar and melted butter. This should combine them enough that they stick slightly but aren't one big stodgy mess. 

Once your blueberries are done, let them cool and then add them to the Oaty mix. 

Split into 3 pans and bake for 10 minute intervals stirring in-between. Do this 3 or 4 times depending on how crispy you like your granola. 

Pop into sealed boxes and use whenever you want. It will probably last 1 or 2 months. 
This is absolutely delicious served with greek yogurt or maybe on top of a thick fruit smoothie.  



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